Best Selling Author

Joyce is well known for her insightful and transformational writing.

Grab a copy of her books now.

Wellness Improvement System Assessment


The Wellness Improvement System Assessment (The WIS® Method) Booklet is used as a tool to measure the wellness within the social, emotional, occupational, intellectual, spiritual, financial, environmental, and physical life dimensions. The WISA booklet allows you to review and analyze where you are situated within each life dimension.

IWS: Improve Your Interpersonal Intelligence 

This is a workbook used to measure the wellness of an individual, group, or team. It is meant to supply strategies and tools for improving overall wellness whether at work, at home, or in your relationships. The Interpersonal Wellness Quotient is an instrument used to measure and gauge how well you're doing in the eight life dimensions.

Hurt, Upset, Angry, Frustrated? 

Tired of the negative emotions, the drain on your energy, and time spent dealing with a current conflict?
This book provides some surprising ways to understand and deal with conflict in all phases. Try these easy to understand and applicable solutions for everyday conflicts.

Getting Ready for Mediation: A Pre-Mediation 


Are you entering a mediation and not sure what to expect? This little mediation guide gives insight into your conflict and prepares you for approaching mediation with clarity and vision.

WIS® Method: An Inclusive Wellness Competency 

Teaching & Coaching Framework

The interpersonal Wellness Improvement System® (WIS® Method) provides a unique, holistic systems teaching and coaching approach for optimal wellness by cultivating a sustainable culture of wellness at work and in life.

Joyce is a Fantastic presenter and problem solver. She did an

awesome job presenting the "Dealing with Difficult Customers"

Workshop, & solving problems"

Nicole Fontaine