Meet Joyce Odidison

Are you looking to do something revolutionary in your career or organization this year? Let’s have a conversation to explore new opportunities for learning that will maximize your work possibilities.

Meet Joyce Odidison
Master Certified Coach -MCC

About Joyce Odidison, MA. MCC. CTDP.

Joyce Odidison wears many hats – from an international Keynote Speaker to a pioneer of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 26 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce has consistently broken barriers. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula, including the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program.

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Joyce Odidison, MA. MCC. CTDP.

Joyce Odidison wears many hats – from an international Keynote Speaker to a pioneer of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 26 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce has consistently broken barriers. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula, including the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program.

President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc.

Joyce Keynote Speaking Topics

Topics on Balance, DEI, Workplace Wellness, Conflict Management, Resilience, and Innovation

The Resilience Recipe: Cultivating Relationships That Withstand Adversity

Will your relationships hold up through adversity?

In a world where challenges and uncertainties are inevitable, the strength of our connections often determines our ability to thrive. Joyce Odidison, veteran Conflict Analyst, Coach, and Well-being Expert, will delve into the heart of resilient relationships, emphasizing how cultivating strong interpersonal connections can be the key to withstanding life's adversities.

Learn the art of building and maintaining relationships that not only endure but also thrive in the face of challenges.

The Soul of Success: Spirituality as the New Frontier in Corporate Excellence

In a world where the boundaries between work and personal life are increasingly blurred, integrating spirituality into the workplace emerges as a groundbreaking strategy to enhance employee well-being, ethical leadership, and organizational success.

Join Joyce Odidison, founder of the world’s first comprehensive well-being curriculum, as she unpacks the untapped potential of spirituality in transforming workplace dynamics and boosting performance. Joyce offers a profound exploration of how spiritual principles and practices can revolutionize the corporate world. It's not about promoting a single spiritual path but embracing the essence of spirituality including connection, mindfulness, and a deeper sense of purpose and passion to foster a more cohesive, motivated, and innovative work environment.

Fuel for Success: Nine Compelling Tools for Well-being

In the fast-paced world of modern professionalism, success and well-being are often seen as mutually exclusive.

Joyce Odidison, Founder of the world’s first comprehensive well-being curriculum, provides a holistic approach to achieving success without compromising personal health and happiness.

Joyce weaves an engaging conversation with storytelling and case studies into the nine critical tools for thriving, each focusing on a different aspect of well-being, from mental and emotional health to physical wellness and financial stability. These tools are designed not only to inspire but also to provide practical strategies that can be implemented immediately.

Joyce at Work

Coaching Leadership and Self-Mastery

Prepare yourself to lead in any situation. The relational leadership training and coaching course offers you tools and strategies to master your emotions and tailor your leadership style for success. 

Tips to Heal Your Relationship from Past Hurts

Learn key strategies to heal your relationships from past hurts, so you can rebuild a loving and caring, trusting relationship.

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If you want to learn how to master the mental and emotional rollercoaster of entrepreneurship or in the workplace, then Joyce Odidison can give you the mindset to think and act BIGGER! Joyce is an amazing speaker with great stage mastery. She was outstanding at our 2020 Grow Conference”



Interesting articles

Joyce's 6th book the WIS® Method brings an inclusive wellness approach to workplaces.

Joyce teaches the holistic 9-dimensional approach outlined in her 6th book to her keynotes, workplaces and coaching students in a time when fear, uncertainty, stress and mental health disease has become a threat to our emotional and mental health at work and in life. Book Joyce to bring a keynote, workshop, or retreat for your leadership team, employees, or group.

WIS® Method -The Wellness Competency Mindset Coaching Framework

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