The World's First Well-being Intelligence Curriculum Educational Tour 2024

Safety, Belonging, and Well-being in the Digital Age. 

Teaching skills for planned happiness and life fulfilment, the curriculum aims to reduce unhappiness & dissatisfaction by empowering individuals with the tools to build resilience, mental wellness, emotional harmony, health, peace, and a true life of well-being in the digital age.

Joyce Odidison

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In a time when our world is in turmoil, conflicts and war, Joyce Odidison has released the world's first well-being intelligence curriculum. Teaching competencies of well-being that foster resilience, belonging, compassion, health, happiness, and high performance.

System Of Well Being
Resilience and Well Being Intelligence Competencies™

Bring the tour to your city, campus, congregation or workplace.

The Well-Being Intelligence Curriculum is an innovative program that integrates well-being competencies into professional development, aligning personal health and workplace success. Through a framework of core competencies, it transforms traditional wellness initiatives into essential elements of an organization's growth and culture, promoting holistic development for every employee.

Learning Objectives

  • Wellness Simplified:  Optimize wellness with the easy-to-follow well-being roadmap
  • Resilience Boost: Assess and enhance your wellness Quotient to thrive in challenging times. 
  • Mental and Emotional Wellness: Develop key well-being skills for stronger mental and emotional health.
  • Healthier Communities: Learn how personal well-being contributes to community safety and harmony
  • Foster Global well-being: Understand the role of well-being in creating a safer, more peaceful world.

Embark on a transformative journey to discover

Nine essential dimensions and Twelve
key Competencies for holistic Well-being.

Nine essential dimensions and Twelve key Competencies

Educational Tour Schedule

Hear what they say

TG :Joyce improved work-life balance

My life has been changed dramatically by all the energy Joyce puts into working with her students. Thank you.

Tim Grouette

NF: Attended workshop

Joyce is a Fantastic presenter and problem solver. She did an awesome job presenting the "Dealing with Difficult Customers" Workshop, & solving problems for the participants on the spot

Nicole Fontaine

PR: Hired Joyce as trainer and coach

Joyce is a Fantastic teacher and Coach. She worked with our organization and I hired her as my coach and trainer for my own certification

Petra Rapmund

AI: Attended the presentation

Her presence, poise and presentations were impactful and insightful. Her content, deep, thought provoking and transformational.

Alex Ihama

Joyce Odidison, MA. MCC. CTDP.

Joyce Odidison wears many hats – from an international Keynote Speaker to a pioneer of the groundbreaking Well-being Intelligence Curriculum. With a career spanning over 26 years as a Conflict Analyst, Professional Trainer, University Lecturer, and Master Certified Coach, Joyce has consistently broken barriers. As President and CEO of Interpersonal Wellness Services Inc., she has designed transformative training sessions and curricula, including the Global Workplace Wellness Summit and an ICF Approved Coach Training program.

Joyce Odidison, MA. MCC. CTDP.